Creativity, collaboration and the benefits of technology

On both a professional and personal level, a lot has changed for me. For now at least, as a company, we are doing what we need to, taking care of ourselves and our loved ones, adapting to a different way of living and most certainly a different way of working.

The entire team at Fortico Media is working remotely. We are no longer together in the same office, sharing the same space, thoughts and ideas in one remarkable creative setting.

What has replaced that is an arsenal of tools that allow us to work differently. Much like the rest of the world, we too have embraced apps such as Google Hangouts, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams to make sure we can meet in ways that embrace creativity. We also keep in constant touch via Skype, Slack and WhatsApp. At the same time, our recently launched custom project management tool enables us to keep track of ongoing projects even more efficiently.

You might think that so much change would knock us off our stride or force us to take our eye off the ball. Yet we haven't just embraced change, we are thriving on it.

Working remotely is working... It's working because, for us, creativity is and always will be a collaborative process. Coming together to solve problems, deliver the best possible results and use the very best of each person's strengths and qualities is something we've always done. It's part of our ethos and our DNA.

When it came to the challenge of maintaining that during a time when we weren't all together, well... It was always going to bring out the best in us. It has, and I couldn't be more proud of the team and those who are a part of it.

Of course, we miss our offices in Central London; we miss the faces, the coffee shops, the sights and sounds of the place we (at least in a professional sense) call home. But, we don't miss each other, thanks to the technology at our disposal we can all collaborate, meet, talk and manage projects more efficiently than ever...

For the time being, we are staying put, following the advice and guidelines given to us. There's a whole world out there doing much the same. Organisations like ours are now working differently, making plans, creating ideas and adjusting to a new kind of normal.

Our experience has taught us a lot and has stood us in the best possible stead to help companies look at new ways to communicate.

If you have a project, contact me, perhaps we can meet for a coffee over Zoom!

Take care, stay safe.

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